Saturday, May 17, 2008


This is my first attempt at blogging, so bear with me. For those who I haven't told, I'm going to Cairo, Egypt for this coming fall semester to study at the American University in Cairo. Amidst the chaos of the night before graduation at Ursinus College, I received the good news that I had been accepted to the program. It was really bittersweet because while I was celebrating this great news, I also was saying good-bye to senior friends, some of which I might not see again for a long time. While I understand that this is simply a fact of life, it does make saying good-bye any easier and I pray that my friendships continue and deepen despite the distance. So for now, I'll keep busy with preparing for Egypt; there's plenty to do, like get a visa, save money.

Ma'salaama (Arabic for "good-bye") for now!